Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Is it Time for a Job Change? IT Professionals Go Job Hunting.

In response to our economic and financial challenges, companies are faced with a workforce that is being asked to do more, in many cases, with less and some may look to make career changes.

According to CIO Magazine - "Companies have cut salaries and training, held back on bonuses and piled more work on employees in response to the economic downturn. These tactics may well be pushing many IT professionals to go job hunting, according to a recent Computerworld salary survey.

More than one-third (36%) of the 343 respondents to our recent poll said that they're looking to move to a new employer in the next six months. And 69% reported that they hadn't received a pay raise in the previous six months. The survey was conducted during the last two weeks in September.

For employers, the warning couldn't be more clear: As the economy improves, the most able IT workers might leave for something better."